“The Perfect Storm” is an original training by Timofey V, an expert in anti-crisis communications.

The perfect storm simulates a scenario in which teams of participants are plunged into a crisis situation. The crisis is rapidly developing; its new stages are driven by economic, political, moral and ethical factors that provoke complex and conflict situations.

The participants’ task is to develop management decisions that adequately meet the short-term and long-term risks of the proposed scenario.

The training was invented in 2019 as a tool for transferring experience in anti-crisis response. Over 4 years, more than 100 training sessions were conducted. The training is a permanent part of the Personnel Reserve program; among the training's clients are top management of Russian regions, the Russian Government, and large industrial holdings.
Problems that “The Perfect Storm” solves:
  • Formation of a strategy for managing risks and changes in the company.
  • Improving the quality of cross-functional interaction.
  • Adaptation and readiness for changes in the company, industry, business, and state.
  • Finding errors and ways to optimize current business processes.
  • Searching for and developing ways to resolve crisis situations.
  • Development of anti-crisis communication skills.
How to organize the training?
Kick-off meeting
Necessary for analyzing the audience of participants, understanding risks and   threats for elaboration, examples and   typical errors, as well as   agreeing on payment, date   and   location of the training.
Development of the scenario
The Perfect Storm is based on a script, ready-made or created individually, to suit the specifics of the industry of a particular business.
Technically, the training is not only the work of the presenter, but also a large amount of media and handouts. The production of the content part of The Perfect Storm takes 2-3 weeks.
Conducting training
The training takes approximately 3 hours without a break and requires premises and equipment appropriate to the technical rider.
Consulting and support
By additional agreement, an audit of the anti-crisis response to accomplished risks and  consulting are possible.
What is needed to organize a “The Perfect Storm”?
Check out the technical rider
for training
Where The Perfect Storm has already taken place:
Timofey V is the head of the department for the development of strategic directions and a leading expert of the ANO “Dialogue”, an expert in working with risks and crisis communications, a speaker at the Higher School of State University of RANEPA and Moscow State University, the “Personnel Reserve” and “Leaders of Russia” programs.
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